Girls Camp 2025
Look Unto Christ
Each year, a youth theme is chosen to encourage, inspire and unite youth around the world who are striving to follow Jesus Christ. This years camp theme is "Look Unto Christ" and we are excited to build this years camp experiences around this theme and help all the young women feel closer to our Savior and feel of His love.
When: Tuesday June 24 (10:00 a.m.) - Saturday June 28 (10:00 a.m.)
Where: Camp Alpine (25413 Rainbow Creek Ln., Monroe, OR 97456)
Print Out, fill out, sign & return to your YW leaders. If you don't have access to a printer, talk to your YW leaders.
Above is information from past camps. The new guide will be avaiable April 2025
Final Unit List and Camp Menu
Menu and Camp Unit Lists will be available June 2025
This is a list of suggested items. It is important to bring the items you need to be comfortable at camp, but please also keep this statement in mind from For the Strength of Youth... "What is the Lord's standard on dress and grooming? The Lord's standard is for you to honor the sacredness of your body even when that means being different from teh world. Let this truth and the Spirit be your guide as you make your decisions..." (pg.27)
Sack lunch for Tuesday (Lunch will NOT be provided on the first day)
sweater or warm jacket
modest swimsuit
change of clothes for 4 days
Note: make sure to include some long sleeved shirts for night time activities.
two pair of shoes (close toed) –Flip flops can be worn in the shower area only.
poncho or water repellent jacket
sleeping bag
sleeping pad or mattress
bath towel and washcloth
feminine hygiene needs
toothbrush and toothpaste
insect repellent
flashlight with new / extra batteries
pen and or pencil
camping chair
camp bead necklace (if this is your first year at camp you will receive one when you arrive)
sturdy water bottle
day pack to carry items around camp
Lost items: Every year there are many things left at camp for Stake Leaders to bring home. Unless they are labeled with your name, we will not know who they belong to. Please label everything you bring to camp!